Our Blog - Priority Roofing

What is a Torch Down Roof

What is a Torch Down Roof?

Torch-down roofing is also known as “torch-on” roofing because it uses an open flame propane torch. This installation method involves rolling out sheets of modified bitumen onto the roof and using a propane torch to adhere the material to the surface. The layers are heated to the correct temperature and then the seams are melted,

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16 Most Common Roof Problems

16 Most Common Roof Problems

We take a roof that works well for granted. Our roofs protect us from the weather, keep pests out, and provide us with a comfortable space to live. Sadly, the roof is also one of our homes’ most vulnerable areas to damage. You’ve probably had to deal with roof problems at least once in your

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Why is Roof Flashing Important?

Why is Roof Flashing Important?

Roofs are much more than you see on the outside. Every piece must fit into the correct place in order to seal the roof properly. Roof flashing is a crucial part of the roof. What is it and why is its importance important? This article will explain everything you need know about roof flashing. We

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What is Roof Decking

What is Roof Decking?

The roof on your house is composed of much more than just the shingles you can see from the outside. Your roof is a mixture of various materials and components. One of those components is the roof decking. Roof decking is one of the most important materials for your roof. The roof decking is the

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Do's and Don'ts of Cleaning Asphalt Shingles

Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Asphalt Shingles

Note that climbing or walking on your rooftop without experience, or the right safety equipment, can result in serious injury. We don’t recommend anyone to climb or walk their roof without having experience cleaning roofs and the necessary safety equipment. Asphalt shingles have become a popular choice for roofing due to their affordability, durability and

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4 Tips to Repair a Leaky Roof

4 Tips to Repair a Leaky Roof

Roof repair can be done easily with asphalt shingles. Simply locate the leak, and seal it correctly. These four steps will allow you to repair the roof leak without having to hire a professional. Tom Bollnow is the senior director of technical service at the National Roofing Contractors Association. According to him, asphalt shingles account

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